Are you an angry software developer?
Are you tired, bored, hated with your current software development environment?

This is what I thought from daily routines for years.
I grouping into three parts: mentality, technicality and be life.
I want to write it as-is. “literally” 😬


Do not complain, fix it!

  • You cannot revert time.
  • What’s your idea to solve the problems?
  • What are you proposing to solve the problems?

Yes, you can blame but do not underestimate.

  • A fellow developer is brothers, do not judge them, its not fair.
  • You don’t know what kind of situation they face it on that day.
  • Blame the person who pushes them to the edge and ignores their capability.
  • Blame the person who hired them, why they cannot enable the potential of the developer.
  • Blame the developer if you know them so fucking well â˜ș, it’s fair enough.
  • Blame yourself if it’s fucking yourself, be brave be honest!

Speak up! You’re not dumb.

  • If anything makes you doubt? speak up!
  • If you think something is not right? speak up! Share your knowledge, principle, or thought
  • Communicate, collaborate, and negotiate.

Do wrong! you’re not a fucking perfect person.

When something comes to you and in a hurry, follow the philosophy:

  • Make it run first
  • Make it right: “later” is lead to technical debt, problems debt. Wrote it, share it.
  • Make it fast: You are the winner.

There will be always fucking changes!

  • Typically, software requirements are fragile until it’s done!
  • Accept it! don’t grumble, be an adult.
  • If changes are too fast, say it loud, this is fucking shit! but then finish it!


Follow the fucking convention.

  • Write a readable and understandable variable name, method name, class name, etc.
  • Naming things is hard but you need to be better from day to day.

Follow SOLID principle as much as you can, balancing it.

  • Always write code with single responsibility in mind first, then adjust it, balancing it
  • Organize things! put things(code) on the right places.
  • Do not add shit! on top a shit! ‘cuz you will become a fucking shit!

Refactoring please and do not keep shit! that relates to your work.

  • You will find bad code, really, you will.
  • Refactor it as much as you can when your task-related.
  • So, learn how to refactor! Yes! you need to learn about fucking refactoring.

Be Life. You are not a fucking zombie!

Knowing the goal.

  • Find out the purpose is necessary because you can get the insight. (curiosity)
  • You need to know exactly what you are fucking doing!

Train insane or remain the same.

  • If you don’t challenge, you won’t change.
  • But don’t forget to get sleep.
  • Sleep is fucking needed! but don’t overdo it.

When you are in fucking emotion.

  • Transform your emotion to other activities, such as gaming, travelling, hangout, etc.
  • Cure it with positive things.

Welcome aboard! Please show us your damn attitude!

BTW there is a city called FUCKING,_Austria

Cover Photo by Cherry Laithang on Unsplash.

Software Engineering Manager, Software Engineer, Chatbot Developer, Natural Language Processing Enthusiast, JAMStack Enthusiast.

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